
الثلاثاء، 11 أكتوبر 2016

How to add new contract type to Realia Real Estate WordPress Plugin

Realia Real Estate WordPress Plugin

How to add new contract type to Realia

  1. Go to wp-content/plugins/realia/realia.php
  2. Defines new constastant after "define( 'REALIA_CONTRACT_RENT', 'RENT' );" line 56
  3. I choose to add a vacancy rent option : "define( 'REALIA_CONTRACT_VACANCY', 'VACANCY' );"
  4. Then go to wp-content/plugins/realia/include/post-types/class-realia-post-type-property.php
  5. In line 81 add your constant with string for the front-end.
  6. Finally for the display go to wp-content/plugins/realia/templates/widget/filter-fields/contract.php
  7. Add your constant like REALIA_CONTRACT_RENT
  8. Done.

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